Thursday, September 25, 2008

So You Want To Be A Film-maker?

For the past few weeks, many of my 'acquaintances'
(let's call them well-wishers for the sake of the story, shall we) have wondered, alarmingly aloud at most times, if i shall ever find the inclination to get off my buttocks( notice how i decided not to use the more profane 'ass') and do something i.e get a job. Such times call for great tact and diplomacy and my family has been handling these potentially lethal(not really) situations with the grace of an underage Chinese gymnast at the Olympics(libelous, i'm sure). Answers such as ' He's thinking about the future', ' He's doing quite a lot of research on all avenues' and the really bold 'He wants to do something creative' have kept comparisons with others of 'my age', who have somehow managed to find work with great corporations such as GE, Microsoft, Infosys, JP Morgan, Lehman Brothers
( HAHA, who's laughing now bitch!), at bay.(whew, long sentence)
I usually flee such interactions without uttering a word and have managed to be consistent by keeping to myself for the most part( A few weeks more and I'll start referring to random objects as 'My precious'), but I feel the need to vent and in the process provide an informative and yet interesting(how you ask?) peek into my plans for my 'future'.

So here goes....
I plan to be....wait for it....wait for it....
(loud crash of cymbals)

Yes, my dear readers, your vision has not failed you. I have thought about it, just like Scorsese and Speilberg must have, and I fully intend to immerse myself in the cinematic world . Of course, no sane persone(although i don't mind working with the insane ones) would put me in charge of a documentary short, let alone a feature film without the x-word(experience, not xylophone....wait a minute, it should be the e word) and therefore I have decided to get some formal cinematic education, i.e a degree of some sort and have been actively pursuing applications for the same. A major part of the application process is of course the portfolio, and mine is coming along nicely thanks to major help from my ol' buddy Ashok Hariharan( who is a fantastic actor and also a great singer) who plays the troubled protagonist in my film.(yes, like all film-school aspirants i have decided to make an applicaion film about a troubled protagonist)

So there it is world, this is what I have chosen. It may seem a bit over-ambitious but I'm sure it's worth a shot( It's actually worth a lot more to me). Some of you may have lost respect for me(be a good Indian boy Abhay, you'll say) while others may think i'm just plain crazy, but tell you what we'll talk 10 years from now and I'm sure i'll have quite a few stories to tell....

Untill then,
Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish

PS: Big props to my family too, for being extremely supportive, more supportive than i've been myself (did i just type that?)
Apologies for the exaggerated use of parenthesis.


Anonymous said... keep writing, and hope to see u becum a big filmmaker one day :)

Anonymous said...

ur cute

iffat said...

hey abahy feel realy happy as a friend and also proud, atleast some one has the courage to not follow the stupid rat sure ull do in inshallah...wish u loads of gud luck.!!!!!